QIC Tape Technology
Compiled by Jane Hassler
append when data is written after previously recorded
data, as opposed to overwriting the previously recorded data ... useful
in providing audit trails in file-by-file backup
archive long term on- and/or off-site storage
areal density number of flux transitions per square
unit of recordable area, or bits per square inch
average backup rate number of megabytes per minute
which can be transferred from the hard drive to the tape drive; this can
be influenced by type of computer, tape drive and compression
autochanger a device under system control allowing
automatic access to multiple tape cartridges, enabling unattended backup
of larger disk capacities
backup copying information from a hard disk onto another
data storage medium
backward compatibility the ability of a current product
to read tapes written on earlier drives and, if so specified, to write
tapes in the same format
baud data transmission speed, in bits per second
bit smallest amount of data that can be processed
by a computer; can be represented as either zero or one block consists
of a number of bytes ... block sizes vary ... commonly used sizes are 512
or 1024 data bytes
BOP (beginning of partition) on tapes partitioned
into logical volumes, the BOP is treated as the Beginning of Tape (BOT)
for that volume. A tape has only one BOT, but has as many BOPs as partitions
BOT (beginning of tape) designated by a specific hole
pattern on quarter-inch cartridge tape media
BPI (bits per inch) the number of data bits recorded
on one track per inch of tape
buffer a temporary storage area in which the processor
places information so that a second device, working at a different speed,
can find the information when needed
byte eight bits treated as a unit and representing
a character
capacity total amount of user data that can be stored
on a device
_ compressed effective capacity after data has been
processed to reduce storage space required while maintaining data integrity
... software and hardware compression are available
_ uncompressed capacity for data that has not been
processed to reduce the effective size or volume; sometimes referred to
as native
cartridge a case containing multiple components including
recordable tape ... QIC media for the 5.25-inch form factor is a data cartridge;
QIC media for the 3.5-inch form factor is a minicartridge
coercivity the field strength required to change the
magnetic state of magnetic material; expressed in Oersteds
compare to verify that a copy of a file is identical
to the source
compression (data compression) an algorithm
that reduces redundant strings of data, resulting in decreased file sizes;
can be performed by hardware or software - but only one time
CRC (cyclic redundancy check) a complex mathematical
method used to ensure the data written to the tape is error free data cartridge
a QIC cartridge that can be used in 5.25-inch form factor drives
data density the measure of how much data is stored
in a given length of tape or track ... typically expressed in BPI data
encryption encoding data for maximum security
data integrity the validity of recorded information
data transfer rate the speed at which data is transferred
between a host and a data recording device ... usually noted in bytes/sec
or MB/minute
directory an area or data structure in which information
is stored regarding the location and contents of files and/or file structures
... also called directory partition
ECC (error correction code) a mathematical
algorithm used to detect and correct errors should they occur
edge seek a method of using the recording head to
detect the edge of tape and then to reference the tracks from the edge
of tape, thus ensuring accurate track positioning
embedded OS an operating system which is self-contained
with hardware and software which forms a component of a larger system and
which functions without human intervention
encoding a method whereby a group of data bits is
translated into a group of recording bits
_ GCR (group code recording) a data encoding
method often used on several classes of QIC drives ... the code combines
high data density with relative ease of decoding
_ MFM (modified frequency modulation) a recording
code used on floppy-interface QIC drives ... it is the most efficient self-clocking
_ RLL (run length limited) a family of codes
used to encode data ... they have the feature that the number of sequential
zero or one bits is limited to a certain value ... group code recording
(GCR) is an RLL code
environmental tolerance ability of a device to withstand
changes in surroundings (such as temperature, humidity, dust levels) and
continue to perform as specified
EOD (end of data) location on tape after which
no information is recorded
EOP (end of partition) on
tapes which are partitioned into logical volumes, the EOP is treated
as the End of Tape for that volume
... a volume has only one EOT but has as many EOPs as partitions ... see
also "BOP"
EOT (end of tape) designated by a specific
hole pattern on quarter-inch tape cartridge media
erase to remove previously written data
error loss of magnetic signal strength to a degree
that data is uninterpretable
EW (early warning) a physical hole in the tape
medium that indicates to the drive the EOT is approaching ... technically,
the first hole in the EOT hole pattern ... this warning allows the drive
to take the appropriate actions before reaching EOT
fast file access a method of locating and restoring
files quickly ... also called rapid file access or quick file access
ferrite a ferromagnetic compound of ferric oxide used
in the construction of magnetic recording heads and media
file one or more recorded blocks of data
file access time the amount of time it takes a tape
drive to find a file
file-by-file backup and restore a method of backing
up or restoring selected files in sets separately and sequentially
filemark an area of recording on tape used primarily
to denote the beginning or end of a logical data structure, such as a file
or set of files
_ setmark a tapemark that is hierarchically superior
to a filemar
_ tapemark a unique data block used to separate data
files or volumes of data
file recovery time file access time plus the time
to transfer the file
file sort a sort of files by name
filler block a block containing no valid information
in its data field ... the purpose of this block is to complete a frame
in the event the host cannot fill the whole frame with valid data information
fixed blocks data organized
into fixed-length "logical" blocks
for transmission between devices ... see also "variable blocks"
flux transition a change in magnetic polarity in the
tape media which, through a magnetic head and a tape drive's read circuitry,
is translated into a data bit ... typically expressed in FRPI (flux reversals
per inch) or FTPI (flux transitions per inch)
form factor the physical size of a device
_ full-height the same height as an equivalent full-height
diskette drive
_ half-height the same height as an equivalent half-height
diskette drive
_ third-height the front panel or bezel is approximately
one-third the height of that specified for previous generations of similar
devices which occupied the same horizontal space
format see "recording format"
frame a group of 64 blocks forming a complete logical
FRPI flux reversals per inch
FTPI flux transitions per inch
GB (gigabyte) a unit of measure for storage
1,000,000,000 (1 billion) bytes
or 1,000 (1 thousand) megabytes
hard error permanent failed attempt to read or write
hard error rate number of hard errors per bit
header a block of data written at the beginning of
cartridges or files that contains specific identification information
HSM (hierarchical storage management) a system
of ranking and storing information across a variety of device types
helical scan a method of reading and writing data
to tape using a rotating head/drum assembly
initialize a process to prepare a data cartridge or
minicartridge to read and write ... usually refers to retensioning the
tape and header blocks prior to use
interchange removing a tape cartridge from one drive
and reading the data on another driv
interface/tape drive interface the hardware and software
used to establish communication between a host and a device
_ ATAPI (AT attachment packet interface) a
command protocol used for accessing IDE peripheral devices
_ CDB (Command Descriptor Block) a command
data block issued from a host to a target peripheral containing the operation
to be performed and the parameters associated with that operation
_ floppy interface a physical interface between host
computer and backup device enabled via a floppy disk controller
_ IDE (integrated device electronics) a standard
communication interface which may be used between a host and a device
_ SCSI (small computer systems interface) a
bus interface that enables many different kinds of devices, such as disk
drives, CD-ROM drives and tape drives, to interface with the host computer
ISV (instantaneous speed variation) the fluctuation
of speed of recording tape over extremely short periods of time
KB (kilobyte) a unit of measure for storage
capacity: 1,000 bytes
LEW (logical early warning) an early warning
point computed by the drive according to a vendor-unique algorithm
linear recording density the
number of bits of data in a specific length of recording track ... see "BPI"
logical block groupings of organized data defined
by system software for efficient transference between peripheral devices
logical file address a unique number, or address,
is assigned to each logical data block for identification purposes ...
these blocks are defined by the system software and are distinct from the
physical blocks used by tape drives, or the sectors used by disk drives
logical format the arrangement of data on tape so
that file and data structures are recognizable and recoverable by the host
LP (load point) the physical location on the
tape where data recording starts ... this location is physically marked
by a punched hole
MB (megabyte) a unit of measure
for storage capacity:
1,000,000 (1 million) byte
media a component used to store data such as a tape
or rotating disk.
_ barium ferrite a magnetically retentive material
used in recording media
_ ferric oxide a magnetically retentive material used
in recording media
ME (metal evaporated) media with a film of
metallic recording material deposited by an evaporative process
MP (metal particle) a type of media coated
with metallic particles
migration path planned development direction of a
product category
minicartridge a QIC cartridge that can be used in
3.5-inch form factor drives
MTBF (mean time between failure) expected drive
life before first failure
multimedia edit a utility enabling modification, production
or mastering of audio, graphics, text or video data and files in a professional
production environment or desktop environment
multimedia playback a utility enabling presentation
of audio, graphics, text or video data or files as real-time sound and
visual events
multitasking the concurrent execution of several jobs
multithreading multiple concurrent threads of execution
within a single application
native not compressed
near-line storage data not immediately accessible
by the host but available without human intervention (e.g. data storage
library system)
network compatibility the capability of hardware or
software to operate in a multi-user, multi-system or multi-node configuration,
as opposed to an individual stand-alone system
Oersted (Oe) the measurement
of force required to produce a change in the magnetic state of media
... higher numbers equate
with higher packing density and increased capacity ... see also "coercivity"
OS (operating system) creates a common platform
and infrastructure for all software to operate and communicate with the
PC and peripherals devices
off-line storage data which is accessed through human
intervention (e.g. warehoused media)
operating temperature the upper and lower limits for
running hardware as specified by the manufacturer
overrun/buffer overrun the condition
occurring when the rate at which data is read from tape exceeds the rate
at which the
host system can transfer data from the tape drive controller ... when the
buffer is full, the tape drive must stop reading, empty the buffer, reposition
the read head with respect to the last data read, and resume reading ...
this time consuming task reduces overall system data transfer ... see also "underrun" and "buffer"
overwrite a method of recording over data on a tape
without erasing it
physical block address on all formatted QIC tapes,
data is recorded in physical blocks which are numbered sequentially from
the BOP and whose size is fixed by the recording format standard ... the
number of each physical block is unique and may be used as an address to
locate data
physical format the actual arrangement of binary information
recorded on tape to enable the separation of data and tape drive control
information ... QIC recording formats are specified in development standards
postamble a pattern of recorded data used to synchronize
the data encoding electronics to the data stream ... it occurs at the end
of the data block
preamble a pattern of recorded data used to synchronize
the data encoding electronics to the data stream ... it occurs at the start
of the data block
QFA (quick file access) a method of locating
files quickly using high tape speeds
QIC Quarter-Inch Cartridge Drive Standards, Inc.,
an international trade association comprised of manufacturers of QIC tape
drives, media and critical components ... its primary charters are to identify
market needs; educate users, OEMs, system integrators, resellers and dealers;
and provide a forum for technical discussions leading to the generation
of development standards for compatibility among manufacturers' systems
QIC technology methods of storing and managing information
using QIC drives and media
RAW (read after write) a
method of ensuring that data written to tape is correct ... see also "RWW"
rapid file access see "fast
file access"
read/write compatibility the ability to exchange recorded
read/write head a device which
uses induction to "write" a
data pattern onto magnetic media; and which uses either inductance or magnetoresistance
to "read" the data back ... heads come in many different shapes
and forms, and are used for both contact and non-contact type recording
_ brass constructed of half hard brass and MuMetal
or HyMu laminations,wound with very small gauge wire ... generally used
for lower flux density recording ... can be either single or multi-channel,
used mainly on QIC-40-MC and QIC-80-MC tape drives
_ ferrite constructed of a ceramic magnetic material,
usually with either glass or chrome sputtered onto the gap area ... these
generally are multi-channel heads, although some single channel designs
have been built, mainly in use on QIC-80-MC and QIC-3010-MC tape drive
_ magnetoresistive thin film the various elements
of the head structure are deposited with high precision on a substrate,
enabling a more accurate head with narrower gaps; mainly used on QIC-3010/3020-MC
_ metal in gap (MIG) MIG heads have an Al-Fe
alloy deposited on the interfacing pole pieces ... the bodies and cores
of these types of heads are usually constructed of ferrite ceramics wound
with the same type of wire as brass heads ... MIG heads allow for very
high flux densities
read/write tape speed relative head-to-tape velocity
during reading and writing
recording format the definition of how data is written
to the tape ... it defines such things as the number and position of tracks,
bits per inch and the recording code to be used
redirected restore retrieving information from a tape
drive into a new logical area
reference burst a number of flux transitions written
at the beginning of tape to indicate the center line of the tape ... this
information allows the read head of the drive to align itself correctly
and improves the data integrity of the drive
restore retrieving information from a tape drive and
recording it on a disk drive
retension winding tape from one hub to the other to
equalize tape tension ... new tapes and tapes that have been stored or
used frequently should be retensioned before use
RWW (read while write) a method whereby data
being recorded are read and verified on the same pass as they are written
scheduled backup backup routine performed at a predetermined
time which typically involves taking over the host system; programmed by
the software
search locating a data file
serpentine a bi-directional recording scheme; recording
of one track in a forward direction is followed by recording the next track
in a reverse direction
servo a closed-loop control system used to adjust
head position and/or tape speed
servo burst a recorded signal used to control positioning
streamer a device that can transfer data with uninterrupted
tape motion
streaming writing or reading blocks without stopping
between blocks
tape catalog a listing of files stored on tape
tape rotation a method of backing up information on
alternate groups of tapes to ensure an up-to-date copy of all files is
on hand
TB (terabyte) a unit of measure for storage
1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion) bytes,
or 1,000 (1 thousand) gigabytes
TPI tracks per inch
tracks/recording tracks the narrow strips of media
on which data are written
transfer rate/data transfer rate the rate or speed
at which information is written to tape, typically expressed in MB/minute
or bytes/second
unattended backup backup automatically performed under
software/system supervision without the need for human intervention
underrun (buffer underrun) the
condition occurring when the rate at which the data written to tape exceeds
the rate at which
the host system can transfer data to the tape drive controller ... when
the buffer is emptied, the tape drive must stop recording, refill the buffer,
reposition the write head with respect to the last data written, and resume
writing ... this time consuming task reduces overall system data transfer
... see also "overrun"
variable blocks data organized
into variable-length logical blocks for transmission between devices
... no two blocks are necessarily
the same size ...see also "fixed blocks"
versioning keeping a recording of each of a succession
of versions, or revision levels, of a file or document
verify comparing data read to data written
volume a logical division of data
volume label a data block written at the front of
a volume to identify it.